Kino vakars (5.-12. kl.)

The Ed School District is in compliance with the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Title IX Educational 

Rīts ar Sprīdīti (5.kl.)

The Ed School District is in compliance with the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Title IX Educational 

Florbola turnīrs (6.-7.kl.)

The Ed School District is in compliance with the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Title IX Educational 

Vecāku diena (1.-12.kl. vecāki)

School Festival 1 Education Street, Cambridge, MA

Planned, prepared and run by the SOIS student council, the School Festival is our big event of the spring trimester. 

Skolēnu brīvlaiks (1.-11.kl.)

School Festival 1 Education Street, Cambridge, MA

The campus visit is a chance to see the campus and its facilities, attend a regular class* of your interest 
